360 Family Health
Family, like branches on a tree grow in different directions, yet our roots remain as one...
Services Offered
Counselling -  Workshops - Webinars - Professional Development - Training
Consults and Workshops for families
360 Family Health provides support for families from early childhood and beyond. Whether it is navigating the early days after birth or managing transitions like, sleep and settling and mealtime difficulties or family relationship changes - 360 Family Health offers a service to meet your needs.
Services for professionals and agencies
360 Family Health provides bespoke content for your business needs. Addressing developmental needs in the early years and family relationship transitions, we can supply workshops and training to your clients or staff.
How can we help?
register your request for service
University of Western Australia Extension
Lecture series - Human microbiome and it's influence on mental health and wellness
Telethon Kids - Blooming together project consultant
Provided mealtime and feeding advice to research participants
Cystic Fibrosis WA - workshop facilitation
Provided behaviour and emotional support to parents and carers of children living with CF
Phoenix support service - project consultant
Staff training and client support - nutrition education; the microbiome, diet and improving mental health
Nutrition Australia - workshop facilitator
Delivered workshops, cooking demonstrations and lectures on nutrition and healthy meal preparation
Bupa - workshop facilitator
Delivered workplace wellness seminars - brain performance and nutrition
Foster Carers WA - workshop facilitator
Staff and carers training - mealtime difficulties in children in care
All Saints' College - workshop facilitator
Delivery of 'transition to school' workshop to parents